Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde

ISSN 2176-6215

e-ISSN 2176-6223

pt - en - es

Current Issue:

Volume 14 - 2023

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Submission Guidelines

You can submit an article either by using our On-line Submission and Tracking System or by sending it via regular mail service.

Using the On-line Submission and Tracking System:

1. Log into the System with your user's name and password;
2. Select 'Author';
3. Start the submission process by clicking on the link 'CLICK HERE to go to step one of the five-step submission process:
3.1 Starting the Submission: select the Journal Section your submission is directed to, and then check if the submission follows the guidelines in the 'Submission Checklist';
3.2 Entering the Submission's Metadata: fill in the information on your submission: authorship, title, abstract etc;
3.3 Uploading the Submission: upload the file with your manuscript;
3.4 Uploading Supplementary Files: upload attached files, pictures an other files you consider necessary; and
3.5 Confirming the Submission: after you have completed the four previous submission steps, click on 'Finish Submission'.

The System will automatically send you an e-mail confirming your submission, and you will be able to track the assessment of the file through the editorial process by accessing the Journal's website with your user's name and password.

Submit your article

Regular Mail Service:

If you prefer, you can send your contribution via regular mail. The files must be stored in a CD-ROM and sent to the following address:

À Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde
Instituto Evandro Chagas/MS
Rodovia BR-316 km 7 s/n
Levilândia - 67030-000
Ananindeua / Para / Brazil

P.S.: It is strongly recommended that the authors keep a copy of the material submitted; the copy provided will not be returned.

Click here to see the instructions for contributors.

Questions? Please contact us.

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Revista Pan-Amazônica de Saúde
Instituto Evandro Chagas
Rodovia BR-316 km 7 s/n - Levilândia - 67030-000 - Ananindeua / Pará / Brasil
Phone: + 55 91 3214-2185 |
Translated by André Monteiro Diniz

Instituto Evandro Chagas

Creative Commons License